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Home » The Ultimate Guide to Generic Resources for Lean Market Research

The Ultimate Guide to Generic Resources for Lean Market Research

In brief

The lean market research is quite versatile and exhaustive. This is due to the fact that lean market research relies primarily on easy to access and efficient resources. In this framework, generic resources are the first go to resources when it comes to lean market research. This post is about The Ultimate Guide to Generic Resources for Lean Market Research.

Indeed, this post aims at providing a step by step practical guide to the generic resources of lean market research.


First, Google is an Obvious tool but should not be neglected by any means

Its efficiency and added value to the research depends heavily on the quality of the referred resources

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Google News

Then, Google news Provides the latest news in numerous fields worldwide

This resource is Efficient for assessing the latest trends regarding a given topic

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  • Qualitative

Google Maps

Also, Google Maps is Usually used for physical businesses

It provides data that is Highly qualitative

It provides Very interesting APIs for developers that usually start with free plans

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  • Qualitative 

McKinsey Global Institute

In addition, McKinsey Global Institute provides High quality reports

It Can be used for gathering information and insights on similar / clos researches

It’s Highly recommended to be read as a great source for learning and inspiration

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Social Mention

Then, Social Mention is A search engine of keywords among social media

Efficient for assessing rapidly the trends among social media regarding a given topic

Can be used for identifying the most relevant social media for a given subject

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  • Qualitative

Pew Research Center

Also, Pew Research Center is An online base of good quality research in numerous fields.

Highly valuable since open scientific articles resources are scarce on the web.

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  • Qualitative


Furthermore, Foursquare Similar to google maps but highly oriented towards quantitative assessment of geographic locations

The corresponding API of Foursquare is a great tool for developers

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Then comes, eBay, a leading marketplace even if lost considerable market share wrt Amazon, AliExpress etc

Useful mainly for e-commerce researches and physical products

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  • Qualitative

Facebook Audience Insights

In addition, Facebook Audience Insights is Very powerful audience research tool .

It’s Inevitable for the majority of market researches

The researcher should Pay attention to the profile of the audience and its consistency with the targets of the conducted research.

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Also, Reddit Provides relevant resources suggested by the users of the site regarding particular subjects

Highly useful for conducting passive ethnography and observation

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  • Qualitative


On the other hand, Quora is A platform where relevant answers to  given question are promoted.

It’s Highly useful for conducting passive interviews.

Quora is Highly useful for collecting first impressions about a given subject.

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Additionally, As a search engine, Yahoo provides Similar data that can be gathered by google

Diversifying the research engines is key for lowering the bias that may be introduced in a research

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Furthermore, Twitter Can be used as a passive surveying tool.

Passive surveying allows deleting the bias due to direct questioning.

In addition, not All tweets are valuable, a small portion of them are.

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  • Qualitative


Also, SlideShare Provides reports and research in the form of slides.

On slideshare, The quality of the content depends heavily on the provider.

SlideShare content can be Valuable at first screening stages.

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In addition, Youtube is the first online channel for free content.

It Can be used for finding depth interviews, researches, surveys of similar researches.

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  • Qualitative


Then, LinkedIn is Used for gathering carriculum information about a given person or group of persons.

It Can be used for performing targeted surveys.

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Also, Wikipedia is Used for expanding the literature review in a short amount of time.

It can be a starting point for gathering a first intuition about a given subject

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Additionally, Amazon is The first e-commerce site.

It provides insightful trends regarding the online trends regarding goods.

Amazon is Valuable for gathering reviews regarding a given product.

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On the other hand, Pinterest is a Human selected resource regarding a given subject.

It’s a Great alternative to search engines.

Pinterest Can be used for having a fresh / different feedback regarding a given subject

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  • Qualitative

Answer The Public

In addition, Answer The Public Provides insights regarding the most asked questions online about a given subject.

It’s Used in the early stages of the research e.g. Define and Direct.

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Furthermore, JSTOR is a Database for scientific articles

It Can be used at the Deepen stage of the research

It’s Used for enriching the research with high quality resources

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  • Secondary
  • Qualitative
  • Quantitative
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