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Lean Market Research Methology

Explain lean market research from both conceptual and practical perspectives

The Ultimate Guide to Lean Desk Research

Desk Research is an ultimate tool among the Lean Market Research Toolbox. It simply stands for conducting research using the most available resources like the internet, books and magazines. Hence, its name is very self explanatory in this framework. This post is about The Ultimate Guide to Lean Desk Research. This explains the Why and How about how to make it.

The Ultimate Guide to Lean Qualitative Research

When it comes to Market Research, a very common question that arises is what are qualitative and quantitative market research. This post aims at clarifying practically what those two key components stand for. This first part of the post focuses on Qualitative Research. Furthermore, this post goes even further by providing an actionable guide about how to use Qualitative Research in order to conduct insightful and professional market research.

The Ultimate Guide to Lean Quantitative Research

When it comes to Market Research, a very common question that arises is what are qualitative and quantitative market research. This post aims at clarifying practically what those two key components stand for. This second part of the post focuses on Quantitative Research.Furthermore, this post goes even further by providing an actionable guide about how to use Quantitative Research in order to conduct insightful and professional lean market research.

The Ultimate Guide to Lean Questionnaire Preparation

When it comes to lean market research, gathering data and information is key for preparing an actionable and insightful strategic study. In this framework, forms and questionnaires are a key asset.

This post focuses on the practical side of preparing a questionnaire. It embeds a hands-on video about how to concretely make this preparation.

The Ultimate Guide to Sampling for Lean Market Research

Before conducting any survey in the framework of lean market research, it’s key to perform a relevant sampling. Sampling stands for how many respondents are requested for a given research. Sampling also focuses on how to split those samples into relevant groups. This post is about The Ultimate Guide to Sampling for Lean Market Research. This aims at clarifying practically why and how to conduct a consistent sampling for an insightful market intelligence.<

The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics and Visualization for Lean Market Research

The essence of Lean Market Research is to gather intelligence for taking the best business decisions. On the other hand, gathering information in itself is not enough. It’s vital to be able to transmit that intelligence in the most digestible and actionable way possible. This is where Data Analytics and Visualization comes into play. This post is about The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics and Visualization for Lean Market Research.

The Ultimate Guide to Reporting for Lean Market Research

The ultimate deliverable of a Lean Market Research endeavor is the report. This report can take different forms like text document, infographics, video, slides etc. Whatever format it can take, a lean market research report should embed core components among its content. This is The Ultimate Guide to Reporting for Lean Market Research.

The Ultimate Guide to Customer Review Data for Lean Market Research

Customer reviews are everywhere today. This is especially true when it comes to digitized and digital products and services. On the other hand, this customer review data is highly valuable for conducting lean market research. Indeed, it’s accessible, often free of charge, and very insightful. This post is about The Ultimate Guide to Customer Review Data for Lean Market Research.
This post aims at listing and reviewing practically the major resources for customer review data.

The Ultimate Guide to Talking to Experts for Lean Market Research

When it comes to performing Lean Market Research, talking to experts can be a highly efficient and valuable shortcut. A shortcut because it allows the researcher to go upfront straight to the most relevant points and pain points to be covered. Indeed, an expert of the domain develops very often a sharpened gut feeling about a given subject of interest. This post is about The Ultimate Guide to Talking to Experts for Lean Market Research.
The ultimate goal behind talking to experts is to bring as efficiently as possible this advanced insight about the research of interest. This post provides practical and hands-on resources towards where to perform such talks to experts.